In an Ancient story , once upon a time , there were few friends. One of them asked to others - "What is the sweetest thing in world ?" They answered and listed many sweet things . But that person denied and said - "Salt" that makes food sweeter . Then his friends argued with him How it can be ? And they decided to arrange a party and make dishes without salt but with sweet , No one enjoyed it . Then after, the person who raised this question added a 'pinch of salt' to the dishes required and everyone enjoyed full party .
Scientifically , as we all know about - It happens because we have intestinal cells in our taste buds , that moves glucose into sweet taste cells when sodium is present , thus triggering the cells to register sweetness .
All proverbs and idioms , famous in the society have there meanings with scientific base . So friends, Blend your day with 'Pinch Of Astrology'. Visit our website -